I didn't hear my alarm this morning and I had been asked to set up some cultures for one of my coworkers since I usually come in early....and definitely earlier than everyone else. So I was in a hurry to get out the door...but you know when you are trying with all your might to get out the door things just happen....we have a water dispenser in the door of the fridge and I have a water bottle that is just the right height that I can prop it in there and leave it to fill...yeah you know where this is going. In my half asleep state I forgot about it until I heard water splashing onto the floor.....lol major blonde moment! There was water all over the floor and under the fridge...ugh! So I got that all cleaned up and finally made it out the door. I'm not much of a speeder....not since college when I got my first and only speeding ticket. Dustin gives me a hard time for being a slow poke but then he drives 70-80 in a 55 most of the time so he might not be the greatest judge. I normally drive 5 over because of course that's allowed. Anyway I was on the highway headed to work and the person in front of me couldn't decide what speed to travel 55 or 60 so I decided it was time to pass them. After all I was already late and I had no patience for this dawdler. I get right up next to them and I'm going about 62 or 63 and I see a cop going the other direction. I know people regularly get tickets for going 62 in a 55 around here so I know I'm had. My heart sinks and all I can think is "sure the one time I go a little over the speed limit I get caught but Dustin can fly around at 70 or 80 and completely get away with it". I see the cop hit his brakes and whip around in the road. I'm about to be sick, wondering where the heck the money is going to come from for the ticket, finally settling on the fact that my allowance for the entire summer has just been given up....no new clothes and forget a new swim suit...oh how horrible. (such vain thoughts I know). I see him coming up behind me and flipping on his lights, he's 2 cars back but I'm wondering if I pull over now if I'll get some sympathy points.......and then the cop pulled someone else over.....what a relief! Thank goodness someone else was going faster than me....or maybe the cop got the wrong car by mistake. All I know is that all my new summer clothes are going to mean so much more to me now that I thought for sure they were given up all for the sake of getting to work 5 minutes earlier.
What an interesting day:)
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Nursing School Application

So the waiting begins. I turned in the first part of my application for nursing school yesterday. There are still two more steps to the application, the next is in April, to turn in my grades for the winter term. If all goes well (meaning if I get enough of the points on the first two parts), I will be asked to sit for the proctored essay. That part makes me a little nervous but I think I have a pretty good chance of making it to that part if I get a 4.0 this term. I have no idea when I will know about the essay, I assume some time in April or perhaps May....the school isn't the greatest about communicating these things.
In the mean time I'll be trudging my way through the rest of my classes. I'm officially done with all the prerequisites at the end of this term, which ends mid march. After that I'm planning to take the CNA course (certified nursing assistant) so I can get a job at the hospital and get some first hand experience of what it will be like to be a nurse....hopefully its what I expect. apparently its pretty hard to get a CNA position around here but one of the hospitals is changing locations and building a much bigger hospital. They are due to open this August so hopefully that will open up a few more job opportunities.
This summer I may take a few courses as well just in case I get into the program this year. The word around the school is that its best to get some of the minor classes like Microbiology and Technical writing out of the way that are usually taken during the nursing program. Since I'll be working part time and going to school full time I think its probably best to take them, its better to be safe than sorry. Its weird to think that I will be leaving my current job in a few months. I've really been blessed by the position that I have. I make my own hours and get more vacation time than I know what to do with. But I've reached the peak salary for my position, with the exception of cost of living raises so inevitably this is a short term position for people. It will be sad to say good bye to the perks and my coworkers but in two years or so it will all be worth it.....no more working full time....won't that be nice :) At least that's the plan for a while so we can have a family....and that's a whole other story.
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