Friday, October 06, 2006


I had a visitor this last weekend! It was very exciting :) Jen came up from California to run in the Portland marathon. I only wish I could have trained with her and run it as well. But it sure was so nice to have a visitor. I haven't seen any of my college friends for over a year. All the friends I have hear are still new friends and its tough to get past the surface friendships since the business of life doens't allow the time needed to build a deep and meaningful friendship. I always heard that the friendships you build in college will be with you forever....I sure hope so because I have some awesome friends from college.

We visited some waterfalls near the Oregon/Washington border. The fall colors were beautiful.

We pineered the city of Portland......thanks to Map Quest and the tram. Jen finished the marathon and eventhough I was at the finish line I missed out on her finish. There were 9000 runners in the I guess that is my excuse. The poor girl could barely move the next day though. Next year we are hoping to run it together.


Anonymous said...

i'm really glad some one visited! It makes me feel guilty! Some day I promise!

Landreth Family said...

I wasn't trying to make you feel guilty