Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The snow is falling

The winter season is not yet here but according to the weather it is. The last couple of mornings we have woke up to snow. Of course its only a dusting but it is exciting none the less. Driving on the other hand hasn't been or exciting.....well I guess that depends on how you look at it :) Dustin has been skating around the road the last few mornings since he is out there so early, but thankfully no accidents have occured.

I have been having a little trouble getting myself into the Christmas spirit but the snow has definately been helping. We are going to get our tree this coming weekend so perhaps that will seal the deal for me.

The end of the term is nearly here, I have one more actual class to attend and then its just finals. As of this time next week its freedom for me :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want pictures!!!!