Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Snow Shoeing

I went snow shoeing with my friend Claire from work and a couple of her friends this past Saturday. I went expecting to freeze but it was such a warm day I was boiling in all my layers of clothes. There was about 4 feet of snow and it was quite a work out, especially when I was blazing the trail. I thought for sure I was going to be sore since I haven't really been faithful in my workouts lately but thankfully we stopped at and sat in a hot tub on the way home and that cured the stiff muscles. We built two huge snow men and buried Andy, Claire's boyfriend in the snow. It sure was a lot of fun but I hope Dustin gets to go next time. He had to work....stupid Home Depot....we are throwing a party when he no longer works there. We are thankful for his job, it pays the bills, but the constantly changing schedule is obnoxious to say the least. I look forward to the day that he gets to do what he is passionate about, preaching, teaching and mentoring. We can both see that God is preparing us for those days. Dustin graduates from seminary in June 2008. I never thought I would look forward to the day that we would have our own church but I do now. How God does change us!


Anonymous said...

Is that when you have those huge things on your feet that look kind of funny? I didn't know it had a name!

Landreth Family said...

Lol....yep that's what you call snowshoeing. Thankfully though the more modern snow shoes are a lot smaller and look less like tennis rackets on your feet. Now that you are going to be living in the snow, you should give it a try some time. Its a lot of fun.