Monday, October 08, 2007

The Road to Recovery

The road to recovery has been slow going and exhausting so far. Its been 3 weeks since Dustin had surgery and he's still sleeping in a recliner in the living room (how sad). The exhausting part is that I no longer have my partner in crime to help me out with much of anything.....the one armed bandit can't do too much :) Its rather frustrating for both of us, but at least he's hack to being able to dress himself......that was kind of a requirement before going back to work. I guess you just take things for granted and then when their gone you realize how lucky you were to have whatever it was in the first place (like a fully functioning arm and a very helpful husband).

Its been tough getting everything done for school along with everything else but I'm hanging in there and God's working everything out. I definitely can't be as anal and dedicated as I once was.....but maybe that's a good thing :) I guess I'll find out next week when I have my first anatomy exam.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure your doing great. How sad for him, and you! How is school going? I need to call you! I know, I always say that!