Thursday, May 29, 2008

I'm IN!!!!!!!

I just found out last night that I got accepted into nursing school!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 23, 2008


Last Friday I sat for the proctored essay for the final step in my nursing school application process. The questions were all subjective scenario type questions so who knows exactly what they are looking for in the answers but I thought over all it went well. After the essay was over, we were all shown our calculated scores for our applications up to that point. Somehow along the way they lost 5 of my points. Nice huh! As if the application process isn't competitive enough. Thankfully though after a weekend of trying not to worry and let God take care of it (easier said than done of course) I got an email from the school apologizing for the mistake and reassuring me that it was taken care of. Now I'm just waiting to hear yes or no. Officially we are supposed to know by June 1st but I heard a rumor we may find out May 28th. I'm definitely a planner so this waiting period is kinda throwing a kink in things. I feel like I've been talking about nursing school forever so I just want to get on with it already.
In the mean time, I'm finishing up my nursing assistant class. I started my clinicals at the nursing home a couple weeks ago and so far it has been fun. I've only run into a few growly people but for the most part they just made me laugh. One sassy old lady even kicked me out of her room because her pillows weren't arranged correctly. Surprisingly I enjoyed working with the dementia patients the most, perhaps because its like working with kids. But in a few cases it has been sad to see the state of people. It sure goes to show just how fragile the human body is. I get this weekend off of school (a much needed break) and then next week is the last week at the nursing home. Its going to be sad to say good bye to some of the residents. The following weekend its onto the hospital for clinicals there. The rumor is that the hospital isn't as much fun for us as students because we do more observing than actually being useful. Which of course will make the time go by much slower. But I'm hoping to get to meet my next potential boss while I'm there. A friend of mine is a nurse in neurology and has already put in a good word for me for a job once I get my certification. So we'll see how it goes.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Nursing Shoes....or smurf shoes....

I am half way through my CNA class which means I am about to start my clinical hours which also means its time to break down and buy my uniform......and guess what color I get to wear.....ALL white. Hello who wears all white when your going to be doing all the grunt jobs? I'll spare you the details....but white surely doesn't make sense.

On a happier note though, I found out that I made it to the second part of the application process for nursing school.....very exciting! 130 applicants out of 430 were chosen to take part in the proctored essay this month. 60-70 of those chosen will be accepted into the that's half....not bad odds if you ask me. I will find out either way on June 1st.

So with all that said I broke down and bought the ugliest shoes I think I will ever own....thankfully they are very comfortable and I won't be the only one wearing white shoes. I refer to them as my smurf shoes.....