Friday, May 02, 2008

Nursing Shoes....or smurf shoes....

I am half way through my CNA class which means I am about to start my clinical hours which also means its time to break down and buy my uniform......and guess what color I get to wear.....ALL white. Hello who wears all white when your going to be doing all the grunt jobs? I'll spare you the details....but white surely doesn't make sense.

On a happier note though, I found out that I made it to the second part of the application process for nursing school.....very exciting! 130 applicants out of 430 were chosen to take part in the proctored essay this month. 60-70 of those chosen will be accepted into the that's half....not bad odds if you ask me. I will find out either way on June 1st.

So with all that said I broke down and bought the ugliest shoes I think I will ever own....thankfully they are very comfortable and I won't be the only one wearing white shoes. I refer to them as my smurf shoes.....


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Well, now your white uniform might have some brown here and there, who will notice? :) I love your shoes! I have worn those same shoes (in black) for the last six years, best work shoes in the WORLD!