Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Orientation, orientation, orientation.....

I started my new job on Monday (yesterday). It was eight hours of orientation. We talked about benefits, history of the organization, blah blah blah.... Actually there were some cool parts in there. Apparently the hospital was originally founded by a group of nuns. We got to meet one of the nuns that currently works and oversees the hospital's operations. She was absolutely hilarious and totally blew my preconceived notions about nuns and Catholics out of the water. First of all she wasn't wearing the traditional penguin suit and she talked about God like he was her best friend. So cool! Not to mention she was hilarious and I don't know about you but I've seen enough movies with catholic school scenes to have the imprinted image of strict and grumpy nuns. I think she was my favorite part of the day.

Today was another eight hours of orientation. I was so bummed when I found out it was another eight hours. I was previously told it was just going to be four hours....but I guess that's tomorrow. I found that out after I was sitting in orientation today anticipating my 12:00 escape... The orientation would be so much more tolerable if we weren't in a classroom for the whole session. Most of the stuff we are talking about is common sense, but there are definitely things I'm thankful we are going over...like the procedure for a patient in cardiac arrest....that's a little nerve racking to think about.

I still haven't seen the floor I'll be working in. This week's orientation is at the old hospital. Next week I think I have orientation at the new hospital. All I've got to say is I can't wait until all this orientation crap is over with!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, at least it will warm you up for class! And don't you get paid! Thats even better! Can't wait to hear how your "first" day on the floor is! Go Kimmy!