Thursday, November 06, 2008

Unexpectedly expecting!!

How quickly the path of life can change! I'm humbled by this new development in our lives and I look forward to meeting our little one sometime around July 7th.

I signed up for an email service that keeps me informed of whats happening in the baby's development. According to my calculations I should be about 5 weeks along.

At 5 weeks:
The baby is about the size of a sesame seed, and he looks more like a tiny tadpole than a human. The big development this week: The baby's brain is beginning to grow! It develops from the neural tube, a structure that will also spawn the baby's spinal cord, nerves, and backbone.

What a miracle!!.....and some people believe this all happened by accident.....

Please join us in praying for our little miracle...... and for us as parents :)

1 comment:

Trisha said...

Congratulations, Kim! Steph told me the news, so I had to stop by your blog and tell you myself! It's absolutely wonderful having a baby, and I completely agree - a miracle like this does not happen by accident! You're in my prayers! Love, Trisha