Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Trying to be adventurous

Dustin and I both decided recently that we aren't living life to its fullest, in fact its passing us by. We have been so busy getting through school, planning life around Lily's naps and now both working and focusing on getting out of debt, we are too exhausted to be very creative. So today we decided to drive to the Newport Aquarium. Dustin and I had the day off together and in our minds Lily would be thrilled to see all the "fishies" since she loves watching them at grandma's house and at the pet store that we have visited a few times. was not what we hoped for :) After the 2.5hr drive, Lily was more interested in running around than looking at the fish. Her favorite part was putting her hands in the water at one of the handling tanks, although she was not interested in touching any of the creatures....just splashing.

She did enjoy the bird exhibit but then it started down pouring. One of the aquarium volunteers shared her umbrella with us so we could try to get a few pictures....I emphasize try here.
Lily would have none of it, she didn't want to be held, she didn't want to hold still, she just wanted to run. When the rain just wouldn't stop and we were all soaked, we headed for the few indoor exhibits. Again Lily just wanted to run so getting decent pictures with her and the fish was nearly impossible. After a whole lot of effort and Lily finally deciding she was ready to go "bye" we headed for home. It was an adventure all right :) One we won't try to do in one day ever again. It will have to be an overnight trip next time so naps and exercise can happen so it will be more than chasing her all over the place. And hopefully the weather will cooperate next time too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun! You did get some cute photos...she is growing up so fast. Glad you guys decided to get out..maybe try the local park next time! lol..I've always found that even when things don't work out the way you thought they would it still makes for some good memories. Miss yoU!