Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The snow is falling

The winter season is not yet here but according to the weather it is. The last couple of mornings we have woke up to snow. Of course its only a dusting but it is exciting none the less. Driving on the other hand hasn't been or exciting.....well I guess that depends on how you look at it :) Dustin has been skating around the road the last few mornings since he is out there so early, but thankfully no accidents have occured.

I have been having a little trouble getting myself into the Christmas spirit but the snow has definately been helping. We are going to get our tree this coming weekend so perhaps that will seal the deal for me.

The end of the term is nearly here, I have one more actual class to attend and then its just finals. As of this time next week its freedom for me :)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

3 weeks to go.....

I am very much looking forward to my winter break which will be here in T-3 weeks......and of course there is still the two days of finals. But the point is I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. A whole month without having to put in 16 hour days will be SO nice! SLEEP is definitely first on the agenda and NO reading....except my Bible of course. Some cooking is in order as well. With the exception of the weekends, I haven't cooked since September. My husband deserves the husband of the year award for solely taking on that responsibility along with basically all other daily household chores like laundry and lunch preparation. What can I say I am bless to have married such a man :)

Friday, November 03, 2006

I'm an Auntie AGAIN!!!!!

Brad and Melissa had their 4th baby this last weekend, making me an Auntie for the seventh time :) Elyahna is her name. She wieghed in at 7lbs 2oz and was 21.5 in long. She is so adorable and the first Asher child to be born with hair lol. To Melissa's delight she has her darker complection and dark hair. Beuden, their 1.5 year old isn't quite sure what do do with his new noisy sister that is invading his precious time with his daddy.

If this wasn't exciting enough, Kelly and Joel recently found out that they are having a little boy. Joel was beeming to say the least but Kloee was hoping for a sister. She has until March to get used to the idea, but her cousin Bueden doesn't help convince her that boys are fun when he runs around bopping her on the head and pulling her hair :)

Aren't kids fun!! The baby bug might get me if I'm not careful :)

Friday, October 06, 2006


I had a visitor this last weekend! It was very exciting :) Jen came up from California to run in the Portland marathon. I only wish I could have trained with her and run it as well. But it sure was so nice to have a visitor. I haven't seen any of my college friends for over a year. All the friends I have hear are still new friends and its tough to get past the surface friendships since the business of life doens't allow the time needed to build a deep and meaningful friendship. I always heard that the friendships you build in college will be with you forever....I sure hope so because I have some awesome friends from college.

We visited some waterfalls near the Oregon/Washington border. The fall colors were beautiful.

We pineered the city of Portland......thanks to Map Quest and the tram. Jen finished the marathon and eventhough I was at the finish line I missed out on her finish. There were 9000 runners in the I guess that is my excuse. The poor girl could barely move the next day though. Next year we are hoping to run it together.

Friday, September 29, 2006

First week of class

My first week of classes has been a busy one. I almost felt right at home being back at school and coming home only to sleep, throw 3 meals into tupperware and head out the door to do it all over again.

I had the most interesting day on Wednesday. I have been taking the bus from where I work to the junior college that I am taking classes at so I don't have to deal with parking at both places...its just a nightmare, parking that is. But yesterday I decided to park my car at the junior college and ride the bus from there to work after class and then back to the college once I was done with work. This gave me a bit more time in the morning to get some reading done before class. So I went on with my day and at about 7PM I decided it was time to head for home. Early in the day the bus runs every half an hour....but later in the evening it apparently switches to once an hour. I realized this after making my 10 min treck from my office to the bus stop. I figured no problem though, I have plenty of reading to do, its not too dark and not cold yet. So I sat reading my anatomy book until the bus pulled up at 7:50. Once the bus arrived I gather up my books and headed for the bus, but it literally pulled up to the stop paused and pulled had to wait another hour. I was a little frustrated but figured I might as well make good use of my time and get some more reading done. I was sitting on one of the many benches at the bus station and this girl comes walking up talking on her cell phone and plops down right next to me. I was thinking in my mind....hello, don't you see that I am reading here and that there are a lot of other benches that you could go sit on and have your conversation....privately. But since she was sitting next to me of course I over heard her conversation and completely stopped reading. She was talking to a friend that was out of town and was saying how much she missed this person and telling them all about her first week of classes. She got off the phone and burst into tears. I felt like a real jerk and God prompted me to talk to her, assuring me that this is why I missed my bus. He reminded me that I have been praying for Him to use me and here was my opportunity. I didn't feel that He was asking me to share the gospel with her or anything but rather to just talk with her. So I did, after much hesitation. She was grateful and we chatted for the next hour. I gave her some tissues I had in my bag and she skipped her bus to take the next one so we could continue chatting. She told me about her week and how she doesn't know how to cook and how homesick she is. She is new to the area and doesn't know anyone...I felt really bad for her. We exchanged phone numbers and soon our buses arrived. As I got on my bus, I had a feeling that I should double check the bus number that I had just climbed on, but quickly chastised myself for being paranoid. Well I should have listened to that little voice telling me to check the bus number.....I got on the wrong bus. I swear it was the right one and have come to the conclusion that the bus number changed once I got on. I didn't waste anytime getting on that bus because there was no way I was getting left again.....and since then I have noticed that the busses some times change there numbers, but they usually do it before they pull up to the curb. So needless to say I ended up in a very creepy part of town at 9:00 at night. I had to wait yet another hour for the final bus that went where I was trying to go all my car. My cell phone had died during the unfolding of all of this so I had only had a chance to call Dustin and leave a message letting him know that I had missed my bus then ended up at the bus station and would be home pretty late. He was supposed to be out visiting a friend that was in from out of town so I wasn't too surprised when he didn't answer his phone. I knew I would end up home eventually and actually the whole ordeal was frustrating in the beginning but then became rather comical as things kept going awry. Dustin got my message and was worried about me because of where I was so late at night so he called a friend of ours that lives in town and sent him to the bus station looking for me and Dustin drove to the junior college looking for me. He was at the bus stop when I got there and looked very concerned when I got off the bus.....I felt loved.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Wedding Album :)

Dustin and I have been waiting for quite a while to get our wedding album.....of course not as long as some people that I know....but a while none the less. We had a digital album made and I LOVE IT!! Every time I look at it I love it more and more. We also got all of our wedding photos on a printable CD so we can print as many of them as we would like. Here are a few professional photos from the day.
My starbucks addict :)

He tells good secrets......and no I won't tell you what he said :) In fantacy land!! I know I am a VERY blessed woman....he is all mine!!

What a dream!! The girls.

Our beautiful rings.

The wedding party...don't mind the misbehaving children :)
The Whole Tribe!!

The new in-laws.

I am not nervous at all!!

What a day!!!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Stupid Rain!!

Just when my hopes were high and I thought we were going to make progress on our lawn, the rain set in :( So no work was done on our pitiful little remains a dirt clod and is quickly turning into a mud sad! The forecast says it is supposed to be sunny this weekend so we will try again. I don't want to be a pessimist so I am hoping for the best....but trying not to count on it.

The upside to the fact that it rained last weekend was that Dustin and I got to hang out with our newly married friends, Matt & Andrea, and watch the very controversial Ducks game. I am becoming a football fan AND a Ducks fan.....but don't tell my mom......she will be sure to give me a hard time about that one....its bad enough that I work at the UofO. What can I say I am the rebellious one :)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Could it be? Could we finally be getting a yard? Ever since Dustin and I moved into our new home, we have had a dirt lawn. This was kind of expected since the house was recently built so the yard was somewhat of a construction zone. We have been saving our pennies with the hopes of someday having a yard. Let me tell you I spent the whole summer of staring at our dirt lawn and dreaming of a lush green one, wishing I could go out and enjoy the beautiful weather in my own yard. As the days past I started to give up hope that we would ever see green grass in our front yard....but my hopes are revived. We are supposed to be putting in our irrigation system this Saturday....HURRAY!!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

First Camping Trip

The annual Labor Day camping trip rolled around with much anticiapation this year. Dustin and I have been looking forward to it since last year. We knew it would be our first camping trip as a married couple and since we both love camping, we knew it would be a blast. We were like two children waiting for Christmas.

It wasn't exactly as warm as I hoped it would be but it has been a running joke for a while now that the only temperature that I am happy at it 79.5, anything above is too hot and anything below is far too cold.....what can I say I am becoming a weany these days :) I wasn't the only one that thought it was a little chilly though . We all bundled up for our night time trip to the beach. The intent was to catch some crab, but all we caught was a few colds and some wet feet.

Back in camp we had fun sitting around shooting the breeze. The kids went wild riding their bikes all over the place. Kloee and Desiree were kind enough to entertain me and share their bikes. Although Kloee required a little more convincing and the sharing was only short lived.

The highlight of the trip though was our trip to the beach to fly kites. Dustin, Kelly, Kloee and I ventured to the beach to fly the kites while most everyone else was riding their four wheelers. Kloee and I distcovered just how much fun it is to get all sandy.
We were having so much fun, Dustin decided to join in and Kloee momentarily forgot about her fear of Uncle Dustin.Next year we are spending more time at the beach and less time sitting around the camp fire. I agree that camping is for relaxing but its also about having fun, and fun for me is at the beach. Where else can you act like a kid and get away with it?

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Joining the Crowd

So I finally decided to join the crowd and start my own Blog. I have enjoyed reading everyone else's Blog and keeping up to date with all the new happenings in their why not.