Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Fallen off the wagon

I've done it again....I'm slackin on the postings. So much has happened since the last time that I posted, I don't even know where to begin :)

Dustin and I celebrated our one year anniversaryat the end of April. We spent a day at the beach, which I had been dying to do for months but the weather never really cooperated. It was a nice sunny day and we enjoyed a little hiking, a picnic and some great conversations. We tried to walk on the beach but the wind was blowing so bad that the sand was coming up in our faces.....so we abaondoned that idea. We started reading a book together, "His Needs, Her Needs". Its a great book and I would highly recommend it to any married couple!!! I know not every husband will join in the reading of such a book, but you can always pray them right into it. I don't know about you but I have found that to be my most effective tool......then there is no fighting and they don't feel nagged at....who can complain about that? :)

Lets see what else?

Have you heard about the Bitten clothing line from Sarah Jessica Parker? I saw it on Oprah the other day. If you haven't heard about it, I'm sure you will. Everything in her line is under $20!! The pieces will be sold exclusively at all Steve & Barry’s shopping mall locations across the country beginning June 7. I wish there was a Steve & Barry's near me! I guess I'll have to do some on-line shopping :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was wondering what happened to you. I know, I need to call! :) Luv you, Happy Anniy!