Tuesday, May 29, 2007

4 Day Weekend

I was a lazy bum and decided to take last Friday off to extend my 3 day weekend to 4 days. I am still dreaming of haveing a green lawn some day in place of the dirt that is still sitting there from last year when we moved in :( We made a few attempts last year to get the lawn in but did not have any success because we need to bring in a lot of dirt to level out the yard and make it suitable for growing grass. Our soil is mostly clay so not much will grow in it. Time and money did not allow us to get everything done that needed to be last year so we are continuing our efforts this year. Since it was a holiday weekend, Dustin had to work every day....got to love retail.....but I decided to make myself useful regardless. I spent all day Saturday outside moving wheelbarrels of dirt from the high spots in the yard to the low spots. I had the genious idea to wear my bikini top while I worked on this beautiful sunny day so I could get a little color. I had not intended to stay outside all day, so I got some color all right......before I knew it the day was gone and needless to say I am EXTREMELY sun burnt on my back. I haven't had a decent night's sleep since Saturday...lol...its not most ingenious idea.....but I am dreading the itchy/pealing stage the most.

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