Monday, July 09, 2007


I am absolutely loving the weather these days. Its been in the mid 80s, which in my opinion is the perfect temperature. Its supposed to get in the 90s or low 100s tomorrow but I'll be at work in my air conditioned building for part of the day anyway so it shouldn't be so bad. And there is always our new neighbors pool I can invade if its unbearable when I get home. Brad and Melissa moved in next door. Its been fun to have them near by and especially nice to finally have a neighbor that is really neighborly.

Dustin and I have been working away on our will be planted next least that's the plan. Dustin and I are taking next week off to work on the yard. Hopefully we will have time to get it done and go camping too. I'll be sure to post pictures when it is finally done. I've joked that I'm going to make a whole photo album for our yard to celebrate each step of its growth since its been such an ordeal to get the darn thing done. Its been a year long project (time and $ holding up progress) and I am looking forward to it finally being done. I have enjoyed the work for the most part though. Its been a great way to unwind and be productive around the house.


Anonymous said...

I would hate to put in a whole yard! What a project, at least you have enjoyed it and it will be so nice to look outside and see green!

Landreth Family said...

ahh yes I only dream of green grass :)